Mission Central for Veteran-Focused Organizations Collaborating Globally, Acting Locally.

VMP is a communication and collaboration platform for civilian and veteran charities, businesses, individuals, and foundations addressing veteran suicide.” It is an extension of the 501(c)(3) private charitable foundation End Veteran Debt, which employs “Impact Awareness” campaigns to bring greater public understanding to this grave problem – and the solutions America needs to provide.

Member Benefits

  1. Participation is free, whether veteran or civilian.
  2. You can engage with Veteran-focused organizations collaborating to better the lives of our nation's heroes.
  3. You have an open invitation to weekly Zoom calls to introduce yourself and make connections.
  4. You will receive a monthly newsletter from our sister organization End Veteran Debt (EVD) which oversees local and national campaigns to bring veteran issues to public attention and resolution.

How, When, and Why Did Veteran Mission Possible (VMP) Join the Ranks of Veteran Activists?

In May of 2022, the VA announced the launch of Mission Daybreak, touted to be a grand challenge to the veteran and civilian communities to come up with new solutions and interventions and interventions that would both offer “healing and recovery to Veterans (and will) also support suicide prevention efforts for all communities.” Citing veteran suicide as a top clinical priority for the VA, it offered $20 million in prizes to individuals or organizations that met diverse needs.

It sounded grand, and 1,371 applicants presented their competitive solutions hoping for a piece of the pie. Only 40 organizations were selected (What???), and just 30 received major funding. Connecting through email exchanges, a handful of those not making the cut came together within weeks to create a site where collaboration – not competition – was valued and to bring into existence a megaphone outside of the VA to generate the broad public awareness needed for ambitious projects to succeed. 

Fast forward to now, VMP has the strength in numbers, purpose, and resolve to work together to bring to bear both national and local attention to solving problems within the veteran community by way of the fundraising platform of the 501(c)(3) private foundation End Veteran Debt (EVD) and its “Operation Debt-Day”. 

Where VMP goes from here and how well it does will depend on our combined intelligence and energies. Everybody in. Nobody out. 

If that frame of mind matches your mission and intentions – by all means, welcome aboard.

An All-of-Us Approach

Following the wisdom that “all of us together are smarter than any of us,” we believe there is strength in the collaboration of like-minded people & organizations.

Our Network

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to ending Veteran suicide. That is why we have built a cooperative network of "Solution Providers" - each offering their own unique approaches and technologies they have developed to mitigate this tragedy.

Where do you fit in our network? Let's discuss.

Get In Touch

Want to know more about our community approach and awareness focus can help support your project? Contact us and let's set up a time to discuss what has gotten you this far...and how to go further, together.

Copyright © 2022 - Veteran Mission Possible, a subsidiary of Let's Rethink This, inc.

Welcome to the Veteran Mission Possible Community

This is a singular campaign to search out, spotlight and ignite the work done by individuals and organizations who intend to resolve two exceptionally grave problems burdening our veterans: an abnormally high rate of suicide and some $6 billion in unpaid medical debt owed through the VA hospital system.

We are welcoming these Solution Providers as well as their supporters, partners, and resources along with the sponsors and Angel Investors who will help fund their work. A special thanks to the veteran and civilian reporters in our “Media Pool” who will get these efforts the press they need and deserve.

If any of the above listings are in your wheelhouse and you would like to participate, you can start by filling out your personal profile and if appropriate a page describing you, your organization and chosen role.

To engage with members, visit Groups. This is where members from different organizations can collaborate, search for support or collect data.