
How should we identify you on the site?

Note: Please enter your name.
Great, The username is available.
Note: Username must be at least 4 characters long.
Note: Your password is case sensitive
  • Reconfirm your email address
Note: Please enter a valid email address.
Note: What is your current timezone?
Note: Give your own profile a unique link.


Tell us more about yourself, we are eager to get to know you better!

Note: Name of your organization if you are part of one.
Note: Set your contact number so that we are able to get in touch with you.
Note: Do you have your own web site?
Note: Tell us about yourself.
Note: Please select your role
Note: What is the best day for us to contact you?
Note: The best time of day for us to get in contact?


Upload a fabulous picture of yours and top it up with a stunning image of your page cover.

  • Select a section of your photo to crop and create your avatar.
  • Revert changes
  • Browse…
Note: Upload a picture of yourself so others can easily identify you.
Note: You can reposition the photo by clicking and dragging the photo.
Note: Profile cover will appear when other users view your profile.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
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Copyright © 2022 - Veteran Mission Possible, a subsidiary of Let's Rethink This, inc.

Welcome to the Veteran Mission Possible Community

This is a singular campaign to search out, spotlight and ignite the work done by individuals and organizations who intend to resolve two exceptionally grave problems burdening our veterans: an abnormally high rate of suicide and some $6 billion in unpaid medical debt owed through the VA hospital system.

We are welcoming these Solution Providers as well as their supporters, partners, and resources along with the sponsors and Angel Investors who will help fund their work. A special thanks to the veteran and civilian reporters in our “Media Pool” who will get these efforts the press they need and deserve.

If any of the above listings are in your wheelhouse and you would like to participate, you can start by filling out your personal profile and if appropriate a page describing you, your organization and chosen role.

To engage with members, visit Groups. This is where members from different organizations can collaborate, search for support or collect data.